
Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

How to be a great creator: Unautomate everything

Issue #107 | September 10th, 2024

Presented by Raptive

Hi, it's Pat!

Do you ever feel like you’re just running in circles as a creator? You’re posting content, sending emails, running ads — yet it all feels like you’re just going through the motions. The systems are in place, but are they truly serving your goals, or are you simply on autopilot?

We live in a world where automation is key. While systems are important, there’s a danger in letting them take over. It’s easy to rely on the same routines, expecting new results from old habits. Einstein called that insanity. But what if the solution isn’t in optimizing further, but in unautomating and becoming more aware of what you’re doing?

Let’s get unstuck…

Quote of the Week

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

—Albert Einstein

Story of the Week

I recently read a story about monks and how they break habits — not by relying on sheer willpower or self-control, but by practicing awareness. Instead of avoiding temptations like potato chips, for example, they give in — but with intention. They mindfully take a bite, savor the taste, analyze the flavors, and fully immerse themselves in the experience. By doing so, they satisfy the psychological craving without overindulging. The key is that they bring their actions into the conscious mind, engaging the frontal lobe, instead of letting their unconscious habits run the show.

Think about how this applies to us as creators. Many of us fall into routines in our businesses. For example, you might be posting content on social media because that’s what you’ve always done. But have you stopped to ask: Is this content still serving my audience? Is it aligned with my current goals? Or is it just a habit you’ve fallen into without much thought?

Here’s another example: You’re running the same email funnel you set up a year ago. It’s bringing in some leads, but is it the best representation of your brand today? Maybe your business has evolved, but you haven’t taken the time to re-evaluate that funnel. It’s easy to stick with what’s familiar, but is it effective?

The idea of being a conscious creator is about breaking free from that autopilot mode. It’s not about throwing out your systems, but about using them with intention. When you unautomate and bring more awareness to your decisions, you can see areas of your business in a new light — areas that may have gone stale or no longer serve your mission.

So today, I challenge you:

Take a look at one aspect of your business where you’ve been on autopilot — whether it’s your content, ads, or offers — and ask yourself: Is this still the best path forward?

Approach it like a monk with that potato chip. Be mindful, be present, and make conscious decisions. You might be surprised at the breakthroughs that come when you unautomate everything.

Sponsored by Raptive

Unlock More Ad Revenue with Raptive

As a creator, you know how important it is to make the most of every opportunity — and Raptive is here to help you do just that. They’re redefining what it means to be a media company in the digital age, with a platform built specifically for creators who are ready to take their content to the next level.

Raptive isn’t just another ad management service; it’s a powerhouse that supports over 5,000 independent creators, helping them maximize their ad revenue through innovative techniques, a dedicated sales team, and exclusive partnerships. The results? Exceptional RPMs that put more money in your pocket. In the first half of 2024 alone, Raptive creators saw a remarkable 38% increase in RPMs year-over-year. And with a team of 350+ experts behind you, you’ll get access to strategies — from SEO to affiliate marketing — that set you up for long-term success.

And here’s the best part: when you join Raptive, you’re not just getting a partner — you’re getting their RPM guarantee. They promise a minimum 15% boost in your RPMs, on top of your natural year-over-year growth. That’s the kind of support that makes a real difference.

Are you ready to apply? If your site is 100% original content and consistently earns 100K+ PVs per month, Raptive is your next step to success.

SPI News and Notes

A business with a community is a business that thrives. Now is the perfect time to unite your audience in a space where they can connect with you and, more importantly, with each other. Ready to get started? Join me for a live webinar this Thursday, September 12th, at 12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM ET, where I’ll share essential steps to launch and grow your community — even if you don’t have a large audience! Click here to RSVP automatically.

Making it easy for readers to unsubscribe can enhance your email performance! Many of us harm our results by complicating the process, leading to messages being blocked without our knowledge. So, what can you do to improve your email strategy? Tune in to the latest episode of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, where MV Braverman and I discuss authenticating your emails, utilizing Google’s Postmaster Tools, avoiding block lists, setting up new domain names, and more.

Don't forget to "Follow" on your favorite podcast platform to subscribe and get the latest episodes!

A powerful marketing strategy is crucial for your business's success — but where do you start? Join Tayler Cusick Hollman, founder and CMO of Enji, on Tuesday, September 17th, at 12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM ET, for an exclusive All-Access Pass workshop. You’ll discover a simple approach to creating and maintaining a consistent and effective marketing strategy. Click here to learn more about the workshop.

Dad Joke of the Week

Why does the Norwegian Navy put bar codes on their ships?

So when they go into port, they can just Scandinavian

Pat's Pick

An author friend of mine, Joseph Nguyen, wrote a book called Don’t Believe Everything You Think, and when I asked him what his number one platform for selling was, I was surprised to see it wasn’t Amazon.

It was…

TikTok shop.

I was also surprised to find that it wasn’t just him selling his book from his own account — it was a massive army of affiliates who had picked up the book and earned a commission by promoting it on their own channels.

This isn’t just a few thousand copies, it’s hundreds of thousands.

I haven’t sold anything myself on the platform yet, but I have purchased items based on videos shared by others. It’s scary how quickly one can buy something — it’s almost one-click easy. This is something I want to explore more, and if you have a product to sell, check out TikTok shop to see how you might be able to simplify your product there.

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Pat Flynn

Founder, SPI

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Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

Starting and growing a business can be hard, and sometimes you might feel stuck. Our weekly newsletter, Unstuck, gets delivered to over 100,000 people each week to help them get unstuck. We'd love to help you, too.

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