
Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

Starting and growing a business can be hard, and sometimes you might feel stuck. Our weekly newsletter, Unstuck, gets delivered to over 100,000 people each week to help them get unstuck. We'd love to help you, too.

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A $5,356 “investment” that didn’t even matter…

THE STORY On Halloween day 2021, Brady Brandwood published what would become one of YouTube’s most popular videos that year: If you watch the initial video of Brady going to the grocery store to rescue and rehabilitate Leon, you’ll notice that it was simply filmed on an old iPhone. At one point, you can actually see it reflected on the glass of his home aquarium. The audio quality isn’t perfect, and the shots aren’t cinematic at all, but when you watch, you can’t help but stick around to see...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Ages ago on the Internet—so like, 5 years ago—my SEO strategy was simple: Put the most information about a topic on a page about that topic, and make sure it’s good enough for others to link to. And for all intents and purposes, it worked! Until it didn’t. Why did it stop working? Because the way people consumed content, and where people consumed content, began to change. More and more people started to consume videos and podcasts, and less read blogs. Stories became more interesting in video...

about 1 year ago • 2 min read

Hey, it’s Pat! 👋 It took me several years to discover this secret, but once I did, I unlocked more shares and exposure for my brands and businesses online. If you’re feeling stuck, like you can’t grow as fast as you’d like, or like you just keep creating content for the same audience over and over again, then this is for you. If it helps, then you can thank my son, because it was last week at Disneyland that he indirectly reminded me about it. Let’s get unstuck… QUOTE OF THE WEEK “The miracle...

about 1 year ago • 4 min read

Hey, it’s Pat! 👋 During my time in college, I worked as a waiter for two years, and it was one of the toughest, yet most rewarding experiences of my life. It taught me a ton about customer service, and it’s a job I think every person should try at least once in their life. In today’s email, you won’t have to become a waiter to learn one of the most important lessons I picked up from that experience. I’m going to tell you straight up how it applies to our online businesses, especially in a...

about 1 year ago • 4 min read

Hi, it’s Pat! 👋 In 2017, one of my business mentors hit me over the head with a coaching session I’ll never forget. Not only did it help me get over a big fear I had about selling, it eventually unlocked millions of dollars in my future. I’m here to pass on that lesson to you, right now. Let’s get unstuck… QUOTE OF THE WEEK “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." — Benjamin Franklin THE STORY Six years ago, I set a goal to sell a new online course, but there was one major excuse...

about 1 year ago • 4 min read

Hi, it’s Pat! 👋 As creators, we're constantly bombarded with new ideas, tactics, and strategies that promise to revolutionize the way we do business. We're always on the hunt for the next big thing, the latest trend, or the hot new platform that's going to take our marketing efforts to the next level. But all too often, this pursuit of the new and shiny can actually distract us from what's really important: repeating what's already working and getting better at it. Once something works (even...

about 1 year ago • 4 min read

Hi, it’s Pat! 👋 We talk about building email lists all the time here at SPI. Email lists are critical, and not just for communicating with your audience and automating your business. If you don’t have one, that means your business is relying solely on other platforms that can change their rules at any moment. I’ve seen too many people get burned this way, building a following on a platform only to lose the connection to their audience because of an overnight algorithm change. 😔 Don’t let that...

about 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hi, it’s Pat! 👋 I haven’t used a pacifier for over 10 years now. Wait — I mean as a parent, for one of my babies. Not for myself. 😅 The origin of the word pacifier — derived from the 15th-century word pacify — literally means to “make peace” or “bring peace,” and if you’re a parent with a crying baby, you can really resonate with that meaning. But no matter what age you are, when something makes us uncomfortable, sometimes we subconsciously try to “bring peace” to the situation. Nail-biting...

about 1 year ago • 4 min read

Hi, it’s Pat! 👋 I’ve never met another entrepreneur or creator who hasn’t been overwhelmed. In a way, experiencing overwhelm is like a rite of passage for anyone trying to create something new, especially online. “There’s so much to do and so much to think about!”. I’m sure you can relate. Overwhelm can become so encompassing that it leads to burn out and, ultimately, giving up. We all started down this path for a reason. Whatever your reason is, today I’m going to give you an analogy that...

about 1 year ago • 4 min read

Hi, it’s Pat! 👋 On March 4th, 2008, a man named Kevin Kelly published a blog post titled 1000 True Fans. Less than a year later, that blog post changed my life. Whether you’ve read that post or not, I’m going to share the biggest takeaways. We (content creators and online entrepreneurs like you) seem to be trapped in many different ways — this article can help us get us back on track, or in other words, unstuck. 😉 Let’s do it. QUOTE OF THE WEEK “A creator, such as an artist, musician,...

about 1 year ago • 5 min read
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