
Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

The art of playing around.

Issue # 98 | July 9th, 2024

Presented by Premium Ghostwriting Blueprint

Hi, it’s Pat!

Someone recently told me, “Pat, you’re always playing around.”

If I were still a young adult, I would probably take offense to this. But today I embrace it and purposefully bake it into my work in a special way.

In this newsletter, let me tell you why play should be a part of every business owner's toolkit. We'll explore how incorporating play into your routine can spark creativity, foster resilience, and lead to unexpected breakthroughs.

Let’s get unstuck.

Quote of the Week

“Whoever wants to understand much must play much.”

—Gottfried Benn

Story of the Week

Play is something we’re all familiar with. As children, it’s a natural and essential part of our lives. It’s how we learn about the world, develop critical thinking skills, and fuel our creativity. However, as we grow up, we often lose the opportunity to play — and with it, the chance to discover new and exciting possibilities.

In my business, I make a deliberate effort to incorporate play. For example, I regularly explore new tools. With new tools constantly emerging, not all may fit into my workflow. However, through this playful exploration, I occasionally stumble upon something transformative. For instance, when I first experimented with Descript, I discovered a tool that not only streamlined editing for my audio podcasts but also for my videos, saving me significant time.

Another great example is the creation of the SwitchPod. Before we had a clear concept, my partner Caleb and I just played around. We used cardboard to experiment with different designs, giving ourselves the freedom to try new things and have fun in the process. This experimentation was crucial — it kept us motivated, creative, and open to new ideas.

However, the most impactful play for me always happens when exploring new business ventures. Instead of starting with what’s not possible, I approach brainstorming new ideas with the belief that there are zero limits. I can always prune and trim ideas later, but I want to start big, bold, and fantastic.

Permitting myself to play without fear of failure or judgment always leads to incredible ideas I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. This playful thinking makes events like Card Party, which I host, unique and enjoyable for all attendees involved.

I believe play is incredibly important. Yet as adults, we often lose this vital aspect of our lives. By reintroducing play into our daily routines and work processes, we can unlock new levels of innovation and passion. This allows us to take risks without fear, innovate freely, and stay enthusiastic about what we do.

Here’s a simple three-step process to help you reintroduce play into your business:

  1. Schedule Play Time: Dedicate time each week to explore new ideas, tools, or projects without any pressure. Treat it like an important meeting that you cannot miss. For me, I do this on Fridays, carving out time at the end of the week I can look forward to. The beautiful part is — there is no such thing as failure when it comes to play!
  2. Experiment Freely: Use this time to experiment with different approaches or tools. Allow yourself to fail without judgment and learn from each experience. The key is to have fun and stay curious.
  3. Reflect and Iterate: After each play session, take a few moments to reflect on what you’ve learned. Note any interesting discoveries or ideas that emerged, and consider how you can integrate them into your work.

Next time you’re faced with a new project, I encourage you to play around with ideas. Don’t be afraid to color outside the lines and have some fun with it.

As a bonus, if you decide to capture this process on video or in a journal as it happens, it becomes amazing content for your audience.

Keep playing, keep learning, and here’s to your playful success!

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SPI News and Notes

Connect with your audience and boost conversions with our course, A to Z Webinars! Join our course accelerator starting this Thursday, July 11th at 12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM ET, exclusively within the All-Access Pass community. You'll be part of a supportive cohort, ensuring you receive expert guidance and stay accountable throughout your learning journey. Not a member yet? Sign up for the All-Access Pass today! Interested in learning more? Watch the replay of Pat Flynn's recent live workshop for a sneak peek into what the course offers.

Can you build a business while keeping your 9 to 5 job? Find out how on the latest episode of The Smart Passive Income Podcast with Pat Flynn, featuring Eric Chou from Network Automation Nerds. Tune in as Eric reveals his strategies for growing a brand alongside his high-paying career and effective ways to share niche expertise online. Don't forget to hit “Follow” on your favorite podcast platform to subscribe and get the latest episodes!

Seeking expert business advice? Join Pat Flynn for a special coaching session on Tuesday, July 16th at 1:00 PM PT / 4:00 PM ET, exclusively for SPI Pro members. Bring your questions and receive real-time answers on topics like content creation, strategic marketing, innovative revenue approaches, the evolving digital entrepreneurship landscape, and more. Ready to elevate your business? Apply to SPI Pro today so you don’t miss out!

Dad Joke of the Week

Where did people hang out during medieval times?

At knight clubs.

Pat's Pick

Speaking of play, my favorite kind involves activities with my family. A recent game we’ve been enjoying is called SUPERFIGHT. It’s a card game that encourages imagination — like a blend of the randomness of Cards Against Humanity and the imaginative storytelling of Dungeon and Dragons.

The stories the kids come up with when “battling” a villain is incredible. For example, imagine how you might defeat a shark with lasers that’s afraid of clowns, using your ability to fly and sing enemies to sleep. It sounds wild, I know, but it’s so much fun! It teaches my kids — and me too — that it’s okay to be wild and silly, and sometimes, the best stories and ideas can come from that.

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Pat Flynn

Founder, SPI

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Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

Starting and growing a business can be hard, and sometimes you might feel stuck. Our weekly newsletter, Unstuck, gets delivered to over 100,000 people each week to help them get unstuck. We'd love to help you, too.

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