
Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

The D.I.A. Strategy is Easy & Overlooked

Published about 1 year ago • 4 min read

Hi, it’s Pat! 👋

As creators, we're constantly bombarded with new ideas, tactics, and strategies that promise to revolutionize the way we do business.

We're always on the hunt for the next big thing, the latest trend, or the hot new platform that's going to take our marketing efforts to the next level.

But all too often, this pursuit of the new and shiny can actually distract us from what's really important: repeating what's already working and getting better at it.

Once something works (even just a little bit) just DIA: DO IT AGAIN.

That’s it.

In this email, I’m going to give you a couple examples (one from the past and one more recent) of times I decided to DIA. Hopefully this inspires you to find the thing that works, and — instead of trying yet another tactic — triple down and make it a part of your brand and operations.

Let’s get unstuck…


“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything."

— Warren Buffet


My first example of using the DIA philosophy goes back almost 15 years ago. I had just started my online journey. To show people exactly what I was doing, I published an income report on my blog outlining exactly how much money I was making from my architecture exam website, and how much I had spent to get there.

I had only intended to publish this report once, but it made such a splash that other bloggers started to see what I was doing and linked to the report. My traffic exploded and every month for almost 10 years I kept the income reports going — they became my most visited pages on the blog.

Over time, however, the income reports started to become less and less relatable as my income continued to grow. I traded in the monthly income reports for occasional campaign-based income reports — like this report about my book, Will It Fly which in my opinion were a lot more insightful.

Video Buckets

Here’s another example, and one that took me way too long to discover.

If only I knew this sooner…

On YouTube, it’s important to experiment and try different video-types, but when you hit one that does well, it’s really important to do another video of the same type, and do it again soon.

These videos then become a bucket of videos that you continue to add to over time. Not every video you create has to go into this bucket, but the more you include, the more the bucket continues to grow and attract more views, which feed into views for all of the other videos in that bucket.

This is a concept Derral Eves talks about in his book, YouTube Formula. After following this strategy for two years since launching my Pokémon YouTube channel, I can 100 percent tell you that it works.

Each of the video buckets below started with an experimental video type, but once I saw how much the audience loved them (which meant the algorithm did too), I was quick to make more for each.

If you dig deep into a lot of other successful YouTube channels, you’ll find the same strategy. It may take a while for you to find what works for you, but once you do, you must stick with it.

The beauty of all this is that when you keep repeating the same thing, you just keep getting better and more efficient at it!

Your Call to Action

Before looking for something new to grab on to and hopefully practice DIA with, look at what you’re already doing. Assess if there’s something that you’re overlooking that may benefit from doubling down.

The biggest discipline, however, is not finding the thing to repeat, but rather learning to say no. Otherwise, the opportunities that present themselves can get in the way of finding time to repeat something that already works.

Finally, when you find “the thing” — try to consciously make it even easier for you the next time. With my income reports, I made a template once I knew I was going to do them over and over again. With my thumbnails, as you saw in the images above, most of them look the same because the design was already proven to work.

Rinse, repeat, and refine. That’s how I like to do it, and that’s how I encourage you to do it too!

Go get ‘em!


ConvertKit’s Craft + Commerce conference is happening June 8-10 in Boise, ID — and tickets are going fast.

This three-day event is designed to help you connect with fellow creators, learn from experts, and discover tools and strategies to grow your business.

Craft + Commerce includes inspiring keynotes, workshops, meetups, live ConvertKit support, and social events.

This is the perfect opportunity to gain valuable insights, network with your peers, and have a blast doing it.

Right now, you can take $50 off your Craft + Commerce ticket.

Want to bring a friend? You’ll save even more!


We work hard at SPI to remain unstuck and consistently provide you with the best ways to support your business. Check it out:

  1. Speaking of DIA, I’ll be hosting yet another YouTube strategy workshop, an encore of the first one we did earlier in the month. Why? Because it worked! 😉 Join the “If I Were Starting a YouTube Channel Today” training for free on April 17th @ 11am PT (2pm ET) here!
  2. It's almost here: the special FREE webinar with our friends at Ocho about money strategies for entrepreneurs. This stuff is so important but, honestly, usually not something folks like us prioritize. That's why I'm so grateful for what Ocho is doing to serve entrepreneurs like us eager to improve our long-term financial health and independence. I'll be there. Matt, my business partner and SPI’s CEO, will be there. I hope you'll join us. Click here to learn more and register!
  3. Last week, I hosted an awesome Ask Me Anything live event on the book writing and publishing process. We had some really great questions come through from the audience! If you weren’t able to attend or if you want a more in-depth look at the book writing process, I’ll be hosting a live workshop this week in our All-Access Pass community. Become a member today to unlock all our online courses and get access to current and past workshops like this one!


Why did the marketer have to wear sunglasses?

Because of all the shiny objects!

Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

Starting and growing a business can be hard, and sometimes you might feel stuck. Our weekly newsletter, Unstuck, gets delivered to over 100,000 people each week to help them get unstuck. We'd love to help you, too.

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