
Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

The Paradox of Burnout: When drive becomes a double-edged sword.

Issue # 112 | October 15th, 2024

Presented by Level Up

Hi, it’s Pat!

In 2014, I hit a wall. Full-on burnout. The kind where just thinking about opening my laptop made my body scream, “Stop. Just stop.” But I couldn’t stop. I had said yes to too many things, and I wasn’t the kind of person to say yes without following through.

Burnout is a strange paradox. The more driven and ambitious you are, the more susceptible you become to it. You’d think that the motivation to succeed would protect you, but in reality, it sets you up for overwhelm.

When you're the type of person who pushes hard, starts new projects, and keeps going, burnout is almost inevitable. You get so caught up in the momentum that you don't give yourself the space to breathe or to finish what you’ve started. Instead of achieving your goals, you find yourself spinning plates, juggling priorities, and eventually feeling like you’re failing at everything.

That’s where I was. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t good enough.

But here’s the thing: burnout doesn’t mean you’re weak. In fact, it’s often a sign that you have what it takes — you’re just spread too thin. The key is knowing how to manage that drive so you can keep moving forward without burning out.

Let’s talk about it, and let’s get unstuck…

Sponsored by Level Up

Proven Strategies to Grow Your Creator Business

Hey, creators! Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

I’m excited to introduce The Creator Growth Kit — a FREE video mini-course packed with practical, actionable strategies to accelerate your success.

This kit is curated by the awesome team at Level Up and features advice from some of the best in the industry — folks like Amanda Goetz, Yasin Mammeri, Aaron Francis, Justin Moore, and more.

They’ll explore key topics like mindset, entrepreneurship, marketing, growth strategies, and content creation — everything you need to fuel your success.

And here's the kicker: after you complete the course, you’ll get a 14-DAY FREE TRIAL to Level Up Creator School so you can keep the momentum going.

Story of the Week

The burnout I experienced in 2014 was the worst I’d ever experienced. Smart Passive Income was growing fast — there was the blog, a thriving podcast, invitations to speak at every event, a new book in progress, and the launch of the FoodTruckr website case study. All while raising two kids under five with my wife. Hustle culture had become my DNA.

Then, I crashed.

I stopped working for weeks. My body had given out, even though my mind still wanted to push forward. I tried everything to keep going — 5-hour energy drinks became a daily ritual, but eventually, even those stopped working. I was exhausted, running on empty, trying to juggle it all, and failing.

I was doing everything myself, saying yes to every opportunity, and ignoring the one thing I desperately needed: breathing room. Thankfully, some experienced entrepreneurs in my mastermind groups gave me some amazing advice that helped me wrap my head around the work I was doing, and how important it was to figure it out.

My goal was to help as many people as possible. But, if I became overwhelmed and exhausted, I wouldn’t be able to help anyone. Worse of all, I’d become a burden to those around me.

Here are three ways to overcome burnout and regain control:

1. Know Your Priorities
It’s easy to feel like everything is important, but the truth is — not all tasks are created equal. You have to get brutally honest about what truly matters. Ask yourself: What are the few things that will move the needle for you right now? Instead of focusing on the quantity of your tasks, shift your attention to quality. It’s better to excel at a few key things than to stretch yourself too thin across everything.

2. Master Delegation
One of the biggest mistakes I made in 2014 was thinking I had to do it all myself. It wasn’t until I started trusting others with parts of the business that I began to recover. Delegation isn’t a sign of weakness — it’s a superpower. Identify tasks that don’t need your direct attention and pass them off. This will free up your time and energy for the things only you can do.

3. Set Boundaries on Your Ambition
Yes, you’re driven. Yes, you want to make things happen. But setting boundaries around your ambition is essential to prevent burnout. Every new opportunity isn’t necessarily a great one. Learn to say no — even to good things — if they don’t align with your current priorities. Not everything needs to be done right now. Sometimes, holding back is the best way to protect your energy for the long game.

Remember, success isn’t about how much you do, but how well you do the things that matter. Burnout is just a signal that you’re capable — it’s your body and mind’s way of telling you to realign.

Let’s finish the year strong, but with intention.

Call to Action

What’s one thing you can delegate or say no to this week? Think about it, write it down, and let it go. You’ve got this.

P.S. If burnout has you feeling stuck, the Creator Growth Kit by Level Up might be just what you need to reignite your passion and gain fresh strategies to move forward.

Quote of the Week

“You can do anything, but not everything.”

—David Allen

Upcoming Free LIVE Events!

Launch your dream business with confidence and compliance! Join me and Arjun Mahadevan, founder and CEO of doola, for a FREE live masterclass on Thursday, October 17th, at 12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM ET. We’ll simplify everything you need to know about business formation, finances, and federal taxes. Plus, a special offer from doola will be revealed during the event — one you won’t want to miss! Secure your spot for free!

It’s time to turn your creator path into a career path. Join the Future of Creators Summit — a free, virtual, two-day crash course on building a sustainable, scalable creator business. It’s happening on October 15 and 16, and features top creators like me! I’ll share strategies for turning viewers into superfans and where I’m focusing my efforts over the next 6-12 months. If you’re ready to go beyond just building an audience, this is for you. Click here to sign up!

Dad Joke of the Week

Guess what I’m going to be for Halloween?


Pat's Pick

Matthew Gartland, Smart Passive Income’s CFO, showed me this during a trip, and I picked one up immediately.

It’s a…

MagSafe charger that attaches directly to your iPhone, making it super convenient for charging on the go. This thing has saved me multiple times while traveling!

It gives me enough juice for 2-3 full charges and is small enough to pack away when not needed. Totally a game changer for battery charging on the fly.

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Pat Flynn

Founder, SPI

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