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Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

Where on the “Connection Spectrum” does your brand live?

Issue # 95 | June 18th, 2024

Presented by Premium Ghostwriting Blueprint

Hi, it's Pat!

Everyone knows that connection is crucial when building a brand and business online. Regardless of your topic, the way you connect with your target audience is vital. But some methods allow for deeper connections than others.

However, deeper connections come at a cost — they require more of your time. Finding the right balance between connection and time commitment is essential, but it can be challenging to navigate.

In this edition of the Unstuck newsletter, I aim to help you evaluate your current level of engagement, understand its impact on your audience, and manage the time you dedicate to these connections.

Let's get unstuck...

Quote of the Week

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

—Dale Carnegie

Story of the Week

To help you find that connection/time balance, I’ve created a Connection Spectrum that outlines various ways to engage with your audience, ranked from least to most connected. This spectrum shows you the different methods available and highlights the level of personal involvement and time commitment each requires.

By understanding this spectrum, you can make informed decisions about allocating your time and resources to build stronger, more meaningful connections with your audience without overextending yourself.

Here’s a look at the different levels of connectedness and what each entails:

1. Blog Post

  • Connectedness Level: Least connected
  • Time Commitment: Low to Moderate
  • Explanation: A blog post allows you to share your thoughts, insights, and expertise through written words. It is a one-way communication method where readers can consume the content at their own pace.
  • Ideal For: Sharing detailed information, SEO

2. Social Media Post

  • Connectedness Level: Low
  • Time Commitment: Low to Moderate
  • Explanation: Social media posts allow for quick and frequent engagement with your audience. They can include text, images, videos, and links, fostering interaction through comments, likes, and shares.
  • Ideal For: Building brand presence, engaging with followers, providing real-time updates

3. Email

  • Connectedness Level: Moderate
  • Time Commitment: Low to Moderate
  • Explanation: Email allows for more personalized communication compared to a blog post. It can be tailored to specific segments of your audience and used for updates, newsletters, and special offers.
  • Ideal For: Building relationships, nurturing leads, direct marketing

4. Podcast Episode

  • Connectedness Level: Moderate
  • Time Commitment: Moderate
  • Explanation: A podcast episode allows you to connect with your audience through your voice. It’s more personal than written content and can create a sense of familiarity and trust.
  • Ideal For: Sharing stories, interviews, discussions, reaching a multitasking audience

5. Video

  • Connectedness Level: Moderate to High
  • Time Commitment: High
  • Explanation: Video content adds a visual element, making it more engaging than audio alone. It allows for demonstrations, expressions, and a deeper connection through visual cues.
  • Ideal For: Tutorials, product demonstrations, vlogs, building a personal connection

At this point in the spectrum, we transition from primarily seeking connections outside our brand (for growth), to further connecting with those already inside our brand ecosystem (for depth). Often, this is where many brands fall off and lose out to those who do take that audience relationship further.

6. Webinars / Live Streams

  • Connectedness Level: High
  • Time Commitment: High
  • Explanation: Webinars and live streams allow for real-time interaction with your audience. You can present information, answer questions, and engage with participants directly, creating a more connected experience.
  • Ideal For: Teaching, live Q&A, launching products, interactive sessions

7. Group Coaching Program (Virtual)

  • Connectedness Level: High
  • Time Commitment: Very High
  • Explanation: Virtual group coaching involves interacting with a group of participants in a live online setting. It fosters a sense of community and allows for shared learning experiences.
  • Ideal For: Coaching, peer support, group discussions, accountability

8. One-on-One Coaching Program (Virtual)

  • Connectedness Level: Very High
  • Time Commitment: Very High
  • Explanation: One-on-one virtual coaching offers personalized guidance and support through video calls. It provides a high level of individual attention and tailored advice.
  • Ideal For: Personalized mentorship, focused coaching, specific problem-solving

9. Group Program (In Person)

  • Connectedness Level: Very High
  • Time Commitment: Very High
  • Explanation: In-person group programs allow for face-to-face interaction, creating a strong sense of connection and community. They enable hands-on activities and direct engagement.
  • Ideal For: Workshops, seminars, retreats, collaborative learning

10. One-on-One Coaching (In Person)

  • Connectedness Level: Highest
  • Time Commitment: Highest
  • Explanation: One-on-one in-person coaching offers the highest level of connectedness. It provides a deeply personal and immersive experience, allowing for direct and immediate feedback. I’ve had some of my best moments in business during one-on-one coaching experiences. However, they are not scalable. That said, you can and should charge more for this type of experience.
  • Ideal For: Intensive personal development, deep mentorship, confidential consultations

You may have different opinions about the exact order of this list (and that’s okay!) The key takeaway is to understand your current engagement methods better and explore other options for enhancing your connection with your audience. This spectrum serves as a guide to finding the best balance for your brand, ensuring you build meaningful relationships without overwhelming yourself.

I hope this helps! Cheers, and best of luck!

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SPI News and Notes

Ready to kickstart your YouTube journey? Join Experts in Residence Pat Flynn and Caleb Wojcik on Thursday, June 20th at 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET for a free live webinar about launching and growing a successful YouTube channel. Learn the fundamental requirements for growth, how to optimize your videos for algorithmic visibility, revenue generation techniques, and much more! Don’t miss out — automatically RSVP here!

The true path to growing your audience lies in fostering trust in your personal brand. Join Pat Flynn on the podcast as he dives into an inspiring discussion with branding expert Rory Vaden. Tune in to uncover how to harness your unique strengths to serve others, automate trust online, craft content for exponential growth, and more. Don't forget to hit "Follow" on your favorite podcast platform to subscribe and get the latest episodes!

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Dad Joke of the Week

They say a joke becomes a dad joke when it becomes apparent.

Pat's Pick

Matt, SPI Media’s CEO, showed me this on a trip we were on and I picked one up right away. It’s a MagSafe charger that you can attach directly to your iPhone to charge it on the go, and this thing has saved me multiple times while traveling. It gives me enough juice for 2-3 full charges and is small enough to pack away when not needed. Totally a game changer for battery charging on the fly.

Sharing Is Caring

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Pat Flynn

Founder, SPI

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Get UNSTUCK by Pat Flynn

Starting and growing a business can be hard, and sometimes you might feel stuck. Our weekly newsletter, Unstuck, gets delivered to over 100,000 people each week to help them get unstuck. We'd love to help you, too.

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